Delivering results

At Barentz, we acknowledge our responsibility to contribute to a more sustainable world. We are seeking to do our part and working with like-minded companies to help meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, which calls for less than a 1.5 degrees C rise in global temperatures.

We have chosen to align our company values and collective interests with the United Nations Sustainability Goals. We’ve selected several of the UN Sustainability Goals, which most align with our operations and passions, to guide our program and sustainability investments. The UN Goals we’ve aligned our program around are:

• 3: Good Health & Well-Being
• 5: Gender Equality
• 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
• 9: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure
• 13: Climate Actions
• 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Our ESG objectives are outlined via our yearly ESG workplan. This workplan is comprised of 5 key pillars, Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics, Sustainable Procurement and Community Action & Partners. Within each of these pillars we have identified 3-10 tangible actions which we’ve committed to completing.

We’re confident that through the actions of our ESG workplan we will positively contribute to a more sustainable world.



We take allegations of wrongdoing seriously. If you need to report an allegation of wrongdoing, you can do so anonymously.

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Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2023


Barentz CSR Report 2023

Download your copy by clicking on the image above

Sustainability policy

In our role as distributor, we have always had a strong focus on long-term relationships with suppliers as well as with customers. An important part of our role in the supply chain is that we continuously monitor global developments that could pose a threat to these relationships. More importantly, we look at opportunities that could improve our partnerships.

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Supplier code of conduct

For our customers, we provide access to the best ingredients solutions available to add value. We are ambassadors, technological experts, networkers, and a business platform connecting ingredients manufacturers and users across all areas. Additionally, we source complementary ingredients, formulate custom products, and apply our market- and technological knowledge. As a result, we deliver better ingredient solutions for our customers, for consumers and for the planet that help them innovate, simplify, and grow their business in a sustainable way.

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Sustainable sourcing policy

Our responsible sourcing policy seeks to ensure ethical practices in our supply chain, reduce environmental impact, and support workers and growing communities. These values include how we work with our suppliers across our supply chain.

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Ecovadis 2024



UN Global Impact

We are proud members of the UN Global Compact and have developed our ESG program around 6 of the SDGs we believe we can make a positive contribution towards.



Global Reporting Initiative

Accurate data collection and reporting is the foundation upon which any robust ESG program is built. We have chosen to align our data collection and reporting with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards.



We have chosen to partner with EcoVadis as our trusted provider of sustainability ratings. We rely on EcoVadis to review and rate our ESG program as well as the programs of our suppliers.